



发布时间:2024-09-29 23:16浏览次数:
本文摘要:China’s biggest internet companies have agreed to share data with government authorities in an effort to eliminate fake online reviews for services such as taxi rides and restaurants.中国仅次于的一些互联网公司已表示同意对政府机构分享数据,这一希望目的避免对出租车、餐馆等服务的欺诈网络评论。

China’s biggest internet companies have agreed to share data with government authorities in an effort to eliminate fake online reviews for services such as taxi rides and restaurants.中国仅次于的一些互联网公司已表示同意对政府机构分享数据,这一希望目的避免对出租车、餐馆等服务的欺诈网络评论。Alibaba, Tencent, JD.com, 58.com, Didi Chuxing and Baidu have all agreed to support the initiative, which aims to improve consumer trust online in a country where faking sales and reviews is commonplace in ecommerce. The practice, known in Chinese as “brushing”, is used by merchants to gain prominent placement and more sales.阿里巴巴(Alibaba),腾讯(Tencent),京东(JD.com),58同城(58.com)、滴滴上下班(Didi Chuxing)以及百度(Baidu)都已表示同意反对这一措施,此举目的提升消费者在网上的信任感。中国电子商务中弥漫着欺诈销售和评论,商家用“翻单炒信”的方式提供更加靠前的排位和更加多销量。

The National Development and Reform Commission, a key government agency, said yesterday that the agreement to fight “credit manipulation” would be part of a larger project announced last year to create a national “social credit system” aimed at promoting online trustworthiness.中国国家发展和改革委员会昨日回应,压制“炒信”协议是全国“社会信用体系”大型项目建设的一个组成部分,该项目于去年宣告,目的提升网络上的可信度。“This [brushing] industry is becoming bigger and bigger, causing increasing danger to the healthy development of e-commerce business,” said Zhao Chenxin, an NDRC spokesperson.发改委新闻发言人赵辰昕回应:“(‘炒信’)产业链规模更加大,对电子商务身体健康发展的危害更加引人注目。

”Despite the pro-consumer rhetoric, there were worries that tightening rules on online reviews and transactions would help the government create more accurate profiles of Chinese citizens. The NDRC would be compiling a “credit blacklist” as part of a “joint disciplinary scheme,” one official acknowledged.这一众说纷纭虽然听得一起不利于消费者,但也有人担忧,放宽关于网络评论和交易的规定将协助政府创立更加精确的中国公民资料。一位官员否认,发改委将编成“炒信黑名单”,作为一项“牵头惩戒制度”的一部分。The “social credit” plan published last year already has the aim of using algorithms and big data to rate not just citizens’ creditworthiness, but their overall “honesty” and “trustworthiness”.去年公布的“社会信用”计划早已奠定了这样的目标:不仅要用算法和大数据对公民信用评分,还要对他们的整体“真诚度”和“可信度”评分。

“The incentive scheme for integrity and joint disciplinary scheme for dishonesty is an important part of China’s social credit system,” said Zhou Min of the NDRC’s state information centre.发改委国家信息中心副主任周民回应:“长胜牵头鼓舞和明知牵头惩戒是我们国家社会信用体系建设顶层设计的一项最重要内容。”Privacy advocates fear the system is actually designed for mass surveillance. So far, however, government efforts have been largely theoretical. A draft of the plan said it would “use encouragement” to increase trust online.主张维护隐私的人们担忧该体系实质上是为大规模监控而设计的。

但到目前为止,政府的希望基本还逗留在理论上。该计划草案回应将“运用鼓舞”来减少网络上的信任度。The system depends on China’s largest internet groups sharing user data, although no details of what would be provided to the government have been released. One employee of a large internet company admitted “this is mostly driven by our government relations people and we don’t have any details”.这一信用体系各不相同中国大型互联网公司对其分享用户数据,不过关于哪些信息不会被获取给政府的具体情况仍未透露。一家大型互联网公司的员工否认,“这主要是我们负责管理政府关系的人员推展的,我们不确切任何细节”。

Baidu, China’s largest search engine, and Alibaba, the ecommerce group, said they believed the system would help protect consumers against fraud.中国仅次于搜索引擎百度以及电商集团阿里巴巴回应,他们坚信该体系有助维护消费者免遭欺诈。


